Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Set db = session.currentdatabase
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Set doc = session.DocumentContext
Dim x As Long
Dim filenames() As String
ReDim filenames(x) As String
'create an array of all the filenames
ForAll f In doc.items
If f.name="$FILE" Then
If filenames(0) = "" Then
filenames(x) = f.values(0)
x = x + 1
ReDim Preserve filenames(x) As String
filenames(x) = f.values(0)
End If
End If
End ForAll
'create the attachment sub docs (splitting up the attachments)
Dim y,z As Integer
Dim adoc As NotesDocument
Dim neo As NotesEmbeddedObject
For y = 0 To UBound(filenames)
Set adoc = db.Createdocument()
Call doc.CopyAllItems(adoc, False)
ForAll i In doc.items
If i.name<>"$FILE" Then Call adoc.RemoveItem(i.name)
End ForAll
adoc.form = "attachment"
Call adoc.save(True, True)
'strip out the other attachments
For z = 0 To UBound(filenames)
If y = z Then
'do nothing, leave this file
'get it and remove it
Set neo = adoc.Getattachment(filenames(z))
If Not neo Is Nothing Then Call neo.Remove()
End If
Next z
Call adoc.save(True, True)
Next y