Prevent doc editing based on field value

Two steps to prevent users from editing a doc if a field contains a specific value. (Queryopen & Querymodechange)

Sub Queryopen(Source As Notesuidocument, Mode As Integer, Isnewdoc As Variant, Continue As Variant)
     Dim doc As NotesDocument
     Set doc = Source.Document  
     If source.isnewdoc = False Then
          Dim fval As String
          fval = doc.fieldname(0)
          If fval = "fieldvalue" Then
               If source.EditMode = True Then
                    Messagebox "You cannot edit this document due to field value.", 16, "Edit Attempt Error"
               End If          
          End If    
     End If    
End Sub

Sub Querymodechange(Source As Notesuidocument, Continue As Variant)
     Dim doc As NotesDocument
     Set doc = Source.Document  

     Dim fval As String
     fval = doc.fieldname(0)
     If fval = "fieldvalue" Then
          continue = False
          Messagebox "You cannot edit this document due to field value.", 16, "Edit Attempt Error"
     End If
End Sub

Posted by fbrefere001 on Thursday April 26, 2001