Create a hidden "Computed For Display" field and name it "ChecklistChoices". Formula should result in a list array. Example:
"Value 1" :
"Value 2" :
"Value 3" :
"Value 4" :
"Value 5" :
"Value 6" :
"Value 7" :
"Value 8"
Create a standard checkbox field and name it "MyChecklist". Allow multiple values and have it only be visible in edit mode. Select "Use Formula For Choices" and enter the reference below.
Create a "Computed For Display" field and name it "MyChecklist_disp". This field should only be made visible in read mode. Use the following formula:
choices := ChecklistChoices;
Len := @Elements(choices);
@For(n:=1; n<=Len; n:=n+1;
tmp := tmp + "<input type=\"checkbox\" disabled=\"true\"" + @If(@IsMember(choices[n]; MyChecklist) ; " checked" ; "") + ">" + choices[n] + "<br>"
MyChecklist="" ; "";