Forward attachments - doc version

(1)Extracts all attachments from the current uidoc. (2)Create a new doc using the "Memo" form and insert those attachments.

Sub Click(Source As Button)
     Dim session As New NotesSession
     Dim workspace As New NotesUIWorkspace
     Dim db As NotesDatabase
     Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
     Dim uidoc As notesuidocument                      
     Set uidoc = workspace.CurrentDocument         
     Set Doc1 = uidoc.Document                           
     Dim Doc2 As NotesDocument    
     Set Doc2 = db.CreateDocument 
     Call Doc1.CopyAllItems(Doc2, True)
     Forall i In doc2.items
          If"$FILE" Then
               Call Doc2.RemoveItem(
          End If
     End Forall
     Doc2.Form = "Memo"
     '************Open Doc2 as NotesUIDocument****************
     Dim ws As New notesuiworkspace
     Dim uidoc2 As notesuidocument
     Set uidoc2 = ws.EditDocument(True, Doc2 ) 
End Sub

Posted by fbrefere001 on Wednesday June 6, 2001