Sort a multi-dimensional array in ascending order

This code will sort the values of an array in alphabetical or numerical order. The test example below creates a text array of letters in random order and calls the SortArray Sub function to sort the values in ascending order

Sub Click(Source As Button)

	Dim TestArray(6, 0) As String

	TestArray(0, 0) = "C, 3"
	TestArray(1, 0) = "F, 6"
	TestArray(2, 0) = "A, 1"
	TestArray(3, 0) = "D, 4"
	TestArray(4, 0) = "G, 7"
	TestArray(5, 0) = "B, 2"
	TestArray(6, 0) = "E, 5"

	Call SortArray(TestArray)

End Sub

Sub SortArray(array)

n = Ubound(Array) + 1

For X = 1 To (n - 1) 'Perform the following loop for each value in the arrays
	J = X
	Do While J >= 1
		If Array(J) < Array(J - 1) Then ' Compares two values in the array
			ValueA = Array(J) ' Swap the values compared since the second is less than the first
			ValueB = Array(J - 1)
			Array(J) = ValueB
			Array(J - 1) = ValueA
			J = J - 1 ' Increment to the next two down in the array (descending to index 0 )
			Exit Do ' Index 0 reached, goto next X index in the array and loop again
		End If

End Sub

TestArray(0,0) = "A, 1"
TestArray(1,0) = "B, 2"
TestArray(2,0) = "C, 3"
TestArray(3,0) = "D, 4"
TestArray(4,0) = "E, 5"
TestArray(5,0) = "F, 6"
TestArray(6,0) = "G, 7"

Posted by fbrefere001 on Wednesday March 20, 2002