Write the full day, date and year

The following code will output the date in the form of "Sunday, November 27th, 2005":

<script type="text/javascript">
today=new Date(); // Initialize Date in raw form
date=today.getDate(); // Get the numerical date
year=today.getYear(); // Get the year
day = today.getDay(); // Get the day in number form (0,1,2,3,etc.)
month=today.getMonth()+1; // Get the month

// Make year number correspond to correct year according to Browser
if (year<1900) year=(year+1900)
else if (year>2000) year=year

// Make day number value correspond to actual day name
var dayName=new Array(7)

// Add suffix to date (1st, 2nd, 4th, etc.)
if (date==1) suffix=("st");
else if (date==2) suffix=("nd");
else if (date==3) suffix=("rd");
else if (date==21) suffix=("st");
else if (date==22) suffix=("nd");
else if (date==23) suffix=("rd");
else if (date==31) suffix=("st");
else suffix=("th");

// Make month number correspond to month name
if (month==1) monthName=("January");
else if (month==2) monthName=("February");
else if (month==3) monthName=("March");
else if (month==4) monthName=("April");
else if (month==5) monthName=("May");
else if (month==6) monthName=("June");
else if (month==7) monthName=("July");
else if (month==8) monthName=("August");
else if (month==9) monthName=("September");
else if (month==10) monthName=("October");
else if (month==11) monthName=("November");
else monthName=("December");

// Write date
document.write(dayName[day] + ", " + monthName + " " + date + suffix + ", " + year);

Written by Frank Joseph Brefere III

Posted by fbrefere001 on Tuesday November 11, 2008