Sub Initialize
'Declare all variables
Dim ss As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim view As NotesView
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim filenum1 As Integer
Dim serial1 As String
Dim serial2 As String
Dim serial As String
Dim fname As String
Dim lname As String
Dim hasdwages As String
'Set all default variables
Set db = ss.CurrentDatabase
Set view = db.GetView("1. Compensation\By Last Name") 'Sets the specific view to scan
Set doc = view.GetFirstDocument
hasdwages = "No"
serial = doc.serial(0)
serial1 = doc.serial(0) 'Handle #1
serial2 = doc.Serial(0) 'Handle #2
lname = doc.LName(0)
fname = doc.FName(0)
'Create and open text file for append on the local hard drive
filenum1 =Freefile
Open "c:\MsDWages.txt" For Append As filenum1
'Prompt the user with a status
Print "Identifying staff who do not have Detail Wages Breakdown - Domestic..."
'Begins the loop, starting with the first doc in the view and proceeding to the last
Do While Not(doc Is Nothing)
serial2 = doc.Serial(0)
If serial2 = serial1 Then
If hasdwages = "No" Then
If doc.form(0) = "DWages" Then
End If
End If
Set doc = view.GetNextDocument(doc)
If hasdwages = "No" Then
Write #filenum1 , LName,FName, Serial
serial1 = doc.serial(0)
lname = doc.LName(0)
fname = doc.FName(0)
serial = doc.serial(0)
If doc.Form(0) = "DWages" Then
End If
serial1 = doc.serial(0)
lname = doc.LName(0)
fname = doc.FName(0)
serial = doc.serial(0)
If doc.Form(0) = "DWages" Then
End If
End If
End If
'Determines if the last doc in the view needs to have an entry made in the text file before closing
If hasdwages = "No" Then
Write #filenum1 , LName,FName, Serial
End If
'Closes the text file
Close filenum1
'Notifies the user of competion and the file path
Messagebox"The results have been written to:" & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & "C:\MsDWages.txt",0+64,"Finsihed!"
End Sub