Sub Click(Source As Button)
On Error Resume Next
Dim workspace As New NotesUIworkspace
Dim session As New notessession
Dim db As notesdatabase
Set db = session.currentdatabase
Dim uiview As NotesUIView
Set uiview = workspace.currentview
Dim view As notesview
Set view = uiview.view
Dim vecollect As notesViewEntryCollection
Set vecollect = view.AllEntries
Dim entry As NotesViewEntry
Set entry = vecollect.GetFirstEntry()
If entry Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
'************************************* Set Variables **************************************
'Used for both header and data
Dim LastColumn As Integer
LastColumn = Ubound(view.columns)
'Target folder on local machine to create/use
Dim TargetPath As String
TargetPath = "C:\Temp"
'Prompt user for Filename to create
Dim OutputFilename As String
OutputFilename = Inputbox$("Do NOT include the 3 digit extension (.txt)", "Enter the filename to use.")
If OutputFilename="" Then Exit Sub
'*********************************Target Path Checks**************************************
Chdir TargetPath 'Check that the TargetPath exists
If Err = 76 Then 'If it did not exist, peform these tasks
Mkdir TargetPath 'Create the TargetPath
Err = 0 'Reset Error Number for next check
Chdir TargetPath 'Verify that the TargetPath was successfully created
If Err = 76 Then 'If it wasn't created successfully
Msgbox "TargetPath " & TargetPath & " does not exist or could not be created..", 0 + 16, "Invalid Path"
Chdir "C:\"
Exit Sub
End If
End If
'********************************* Create the output file **************************************
Dim TargetFilename As String
TargetFilename = TargetPath & "\" & OutputFileName & ".txt"
' Delete old output file.
If Not Dir$(TargetFilename, 0) = "" Then
If Msgbox( "A file already exists with this name, do you wish to overwrite?" , 4 + 32 + 256 , "Duplicate" ) = 6 Then
Kill TargetFilename
Goto TryAgain
End If
End If
'Create the file
Dim filenum1 As Integer
filenum1 = Freefile
Open TargetFilename For Append As filenum1
'********************************* Write the header record **************************************
If Msgbox( "Do you want to include the Header Row?" , 4 + 32 + 0 , "Header" ) = 6 Then
Dim HeaderString As String
For c = 0 To LastColumn
If c = 0 Then
'first column
HeaderString = view.Columns(c).Title
'every other
HeaderString = HeaderString & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & view.Columns(c).Title
End If
Next c
'write to file
Write #filenum1 , HeaderString
End If
'********************************* Write the Content records **************************************
Dim ValueString As String
Dim counter As Long
For v = 0 To LastColumn
If v = 0 Then
'first column
ValueString = entry.ColumnValues(v)
'every other
ValueString = ValueString & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & entry.ColumnValues(v)
End If
Next v
'write to file
Write #filenum1 , ValueString
counter = counter + 1
Print counter & " of " & vecollect.count & " docs processed so far."
Set entry = vecollect.getnextentry(entry)
Loop Until entry Is Nothing
'********************************* Close the output file and release the handle Notes has on the TargetPath***********************
Close filenum1
Chdir "C:\"
Msgbox "The following file has been created:" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & TargetFilename, 0 + 64, "Export complete"
End Sub