Function CalculateRangeBounds (ColumnCount As Long) As String
' Used to calculate the column labels for the number of columns (i.e. 44 columns = AR )
Dim AlphabetArray(1 To 26) As String
AlphabetArray(1) = "A"
AlphabetArray(2) = "B"
AlphabetArray(3) = "C"
AlphabetArray(4) = "D"
AlphabetArray(5) = "E"
AlphabetArray(6) = "F"
AlphabetArray(7) = "G"
AlphabetArray(8) = "H"
AlphabetArray(9) = "I"
AlphabetArray(10) = "J"
AlphabetArray(11) = "K"
AlphabetArray(12) = "L"
AlphabetArray(13) = "M"
AlphabetArray(14) = "N"
AlphabetArray(15) = "O"
AlphabetArray(16) = "P"
AlphabetArray(17) = "Q"
AlphabetArray(18) = "R"
AlphabetArray(19) = "S"
AlphabetArray(20) = "T"
AlphabetArray(21) = "U"
AlphabetArray(22) = "V"
AlphabetArray(23) = "W"
AlphabetArray(24) = "X"
AlphabetArray(25) = "Y"
AlphabetArray(26) = "Z"
If ColumnCount <= 26 Then
CalculateRangeBounds = AlphabetArray(ColumnCount)
Dim FirstLetter As String
FirstLetter = AlphabetArray(Left$((ColumnCount / 26) , 1 ))
Dim SecondLetter As String
Dim ModValue As Variant
ModValue = ColumnCount Mod 26
SecondLetter = AlphabetArray(ModValue)
CalculateRangeBounds = FirstLetter & SecondLetter
End If
End Function